There were over 100 people at the recent Forum on Food Waste event at Teagasc’s conference centre in Ashtown. Through panel discussions with industry stakeholders, state agencies, and institutional policy makers, the challenges and opportunities associated with food waste in business, and the importance of moving it up the Food Use Hierarchy, were explored. These discussions set the scene for subsequent workshops and a 2025 follow up Forum to come. Insights and potential actions were noted, as summarised here:
There is a growing openness among businesses to innovate and find new ways to maximise the value of their products while minimising waste in their supply chains. Charter membership provides a collective platform to address challenges and identify the necessary support needed to reduce food waste. Some businesses require support from the early stages of their food waste reduction journey, as they may currently only focus on batch yields and raw materials without measuring more detailed insights on issues and opportunities. The Food Waste Measurement Protocol aims to address this need and provide additional resources.
The event revealed that businesses operating across different aspects of the supply chain have a better understanding of the challenges involved in reducing food waste. Many businesses are interested in learning from other organisations that have successfully achieved reductions. Several attendees are curious about the potential savings, the level of effort required, the costs of labour and equipment, and existing benchmarks for yield efficiency.
Concerns regarding data confidentiality and reporting have been addressed, assuring businesses that their reputation will not be impacted by reporting on food waste figures. Stakeholders recognise the importance of using consistent language across sectors, including terminology for by-products and waste, as well as relevant legislation. Additionally, the role of staff in implementing food waste reduction measures is integral to performance in any business.